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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Blended Learning: How can Sri Lankan rural masses benefit?

The term “Blended learning” is used frequently along with the term “e-Learning”. Is it just another buzz word or an old wine in a new bottle? 

Blended learning is defined as a combination of multiple approaches to pedagogy or teaching. Blended learning is achieved through the combination of virtual and physical resources. Blended learning is a blend between e-Learning and traditional delivery methods such as face-to-face meetings (traditional class rooms), printed learning material, etc.  

Most learners are familiar with how their teachers use different delivery methods to achieve certain learning outcomes, e.g. lectures, discussion groups, drills and practices, role plays, audio/video clips, computer-based tutorials, etc. Therefore, it can be said that blended learning is a new name for an old concept.

Blended learning can cater to a large cross section of learners in achieving their learning goals by accommodating different modes of delivery, models of teaching and styles of learning. All students do not learn in just the same way nor do they have same accessibility to technology; therefore, it is important to provide different methods, media and approaches to learn the same content by different students. The learners would choose the method that suits them best in terms of preference, accessibility, affordability, etc. Different approaches in delivery are also necessary due to different learning contexts (traditional learning, distance learning, etc.), learner types (auditory learners, visual learners, etc.) and leaning tasks (facts, concepts, etc.). Also, when the technology is not equally accessible to the entire cross-section of students, blended learning approaches could provide alternatives for the students to choose from.

The factors that influence the blend of methods and technologies used to achieve desired learning objectives include: learning context, type of learners, learning task, availability and accessibility of technology, learners’ attitudes towards using technology for learning, availability of time for learning, level of language and subject matter proficiency, pace at which learning goals are to be achieved, the pedagogical approaches used.

The actual making of the ‘blend’ should be based on proper study and evaluation of the learning situation. The study that needs to be carried out is called Instructional Design. A typical instructional design process includes five stages; Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE). The most critical of these stages is the first stage, Analysis. Analysis is the basis for design of instructions and their delivery. The Analysis stage consists of three components; analysis of learning context, analysis of learner, and analysis of the learning task. The selection of the type of instruction and the mode of its delivery should be based on the findings of the instructional analysis. Analyses of the learning context and the types of learners will provide information on: gaps in knowledge, learner concerns and background including their preferred styles of learning, performance levels, language proficiency, access to and attitude towards technology, time constraints, age groups, etc.

These findings have implications on the design and delivery of instructions. For example, if most of the learners are either auditory or visual learners, the design of instruction should include audio and video components. Similarly, if the learners are adults who work full-time or part-time, face-to-face delivery of instruction is not suitable as the primary mode of delivery. In this case the design and delivery of instruction should be made to suit a distance learning environment. Then, the question arises as to what type of distance learning is affordable to the learner. Does the learner have access to information and communication technology (ICT) where instructions can be delivered in the form of offline content or online through the Internet? If the learners have no access to ICT, then the option will be to provide the learners with print material specially designed for distance learning. If the analysis shows that a good part of the learners have access to ICT, then the delivery of learning content should be made through both ICT and print material. This is just an example of blending different methods of delivery of instruction to suit different types of learners and learning contexts.

Blended teaching and learning methods also become relevant when implementation of different steps in the learning process is considered. The different steps that a learner needs to go through to accomplish a learning task successfully are known as Events of Instruction. There are nine events of instruction: 1. Gaining attention, 2. Informing the learner of the objective, 3. Stimulating learner’s attention, 4. Stimulating recall of prior knowledge, 5. Providing learning guidance, 6. Eliciting performance, 7. Providing feedback, 8. Assessing performance, and 9. Enhancing retention and transfer. Different approaches or media could be used to achieve each event of instruction.  

The type of learning task, i.e. whether it is a factprinciple or a procedure, too has a bearing on the methods of delivery. Design of events of instruction varies from task to task. Providing learning guidance, eliciting performance, giving feedback, assessing performance, etc. will be heavily dependent on the type of learning task and mode of delivery. For example, giving feedback on learner performance will be quite different in a computer-based learning environment as compared to a face-to-face learning environment. Also, intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), if implemented, can evaluate the learner input and suggest possible routes for consideration of the learner in solving the problem or task. It is the instructional designer’s task therefore to select the appropriate mix of media to ensure effective learning under a given learning situation. 

A significant advantage of a blended learning programme is the ability to cater to individual needs. An individual could receive additional information and training through extra e-learning programmes whilst still attending classroom training with other students. Design and development of effective blended learning environments depend on sound instructional design.

With broadband networks and regular Internet, it is possible to deliver relevant and useful educational and training content for the benefit of the learners throughout the country. The content could include material for school and university programmes, improvement of general skills such as English knowledge and computer literacy, vocational skills such as repair and maintenance of automobiles, computers, house wiring, electrical maintenance, etc. However, those who are familiar with distance learning are aware of the main hardships the learners face; the lack of tutor support and feedback.

The "theory" part of the learning task can be delivered through the technology. How can the tutor support and feedback be provided to the learners? The way to go about with this issue may be to use a blended learning approach. It is possible to meet the above learner needs through a combination of online and face-to-face tutor support. Face-to-face tutor support can be provided at venues such as Open University's regional and study centres, technical colleges, and other suitable public and private sector educational establishments. With such a blended learning setting, a large portion of the country's population can benefit from the new technology and the country can steadily move towards its vision to become a knowledge-based economy.

However, the challenges associated with such an endeavour include the design and development of suitable indigenous learning content suitable for delivery through digital technology and design and implementation of pedagogically sound blended learning environments that will result in successful learning outcomes.


Dr. Gamini Padmaperuma, a Chartered Professional Engineer and a former Senior Lecturer at OUSL, holds a PhD from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand in Instructional Design for Computer-Based Learning. Email:


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