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Thursday, November 24, 2005

e-Learning: An Excellent Opportunity to Bridge the Economic and Social Gaps Between Urban and Rural Sectors


Dr. Gamini Padmaperuma

e-Learning has become a common term that is talked about frequently nowadays. There are various definitions for e-Learning which essentially uses information and communication and technology (ICT) for teaching and learning. One definition that is commonly used in referring to e-Learning is: Systematic use of networked information and communication technology (ICT) for teaching and learning. Although the above definition refers to networked ICT as the medium for e-Learning, the use of non-networked computers (stand-alone computers) in teaching and learning also forms part of e-Learning. In other words, teaching and learning that take place using computers connected to the Internet, various wide area networks or local area networks or individual computers are treated as e-Learning.

It is interesting to investigate why e-Learning is so widely talked about at present. The importance and relevance of e-Learning can be well recognised in view of the current global trends in the field of education. Review of literature relating to the field of education reveals several interesting new trends. Let us look at some of the major ones. The demand for education is rising. The education which was previously accessible only to a limited few representing the elitist groups in a community has become more widely accessible to members of the larger community. This has created enormous pressure on existing traditional educational institutions, which usually have limited resources and until recently operated only on face-to-face mode of teaching. The demand for distance learning is rising. Many people today do not always follow the traditional practice in life of first obtaining training or a qualification, using that to seek an employment and then staying, very often, with that qualification without upgrading it during one’s entire career. Today the jobs are very demanding mainly due to the rapidly advancing technology. Therefore, one cannot stay stagnant with their education or training. Everyone has to continuously update or upgrade their training and education while employed to stay competitive. How can they do this? Most of them cannot afford to leave their jobs for further training or education. Hence distance learning becomes an appropriate option. Accordingly, many would resort to distance learning for keeping themselves up-to-date and stay competitive in their jobs. Also, there are many who would like to acquire their initial qualifications or new skills to change their career paths through distance learning while employed. Life-long learning is gaining increasing relevance. In view of the necessity to keep up with the changes in technology to stay competitive in their jobs and the desire to keep abreast with the changes in technology in general, many would embrace life-long learning as an important and appropriate approach. Shift from teacher-centred learning to learner-centred learning. Another important change that is taking place in teaching and learning is that the focus of teaching and learning has shifted from the teacher to the learner. The teacher’s role has changed from one that of teaching or lecturing to one that of coaching or facilitating. Some authors in the field of education identify the future vision for education as one that provides access for anyone, for any type (subject) of learning, at any place and at any time. These emerging trends in the field of education amply highlight the importance and relevance of e-Learning as a useful means for meeting the challenges that are emanating from the new trends in education.

These emerging trends can also be summarised differently. That is, the education is changing from one that of “chalk and talk” to one that of “click here to learn”- this reflects the influence of technology in the field of education. Further, the focus of education is changing from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side” – this represents change in the role of the teacher. Also, the approach to teaching and learning is changing from ‘teacher-centred’ one to a ‘learner-centred’ one – this reflects the change in focus in teaching and learning.

It is evident that the use of e-Learning can help us in meeting many of the challenges that are created by the emerging trends in education. e-Learning however should be used as an approach to augment the traditional face-to-face learning rather to replace it. In general, computer-based learning can help resolve many of the problems that are encountered by the learners, particularly those who are unable to attend traditional educational institutions and obtain face-to-face instructions. Learning that is undertaken with the aid of a computer program is broadly known as Computer-Aided Learning (CAL). This term was widely used prior to the introduction of more trendy term of e-Learning which also encompasses the use of communication technology in learning. CAL is capable of providing certain distinct advantages to the learners. Some of the major advantages are as follows: CAL can compensate for the lack of human tutor support. Properly designed CAL material can provide support and feedback to the learners in place of human tutors. Providing human tutor support is a major concern at both traditional and distance learning institutions. This capability of CAL becomes very useful for those who cannot attend face-to-face sessions for various reasons. Availability of such material also helps learners to be less dependent on teachers. It is also established that CAL material helps those who have language difficulties as CAL material provides the learners with opportunity to review the learning material as many times as they wish at their own time, pace and location. Accordingly, Computer-Aided Learning helps learners to follow a learner-centred approach which is a current global trend in education, as mentioned before. Therefore, in today’s context, e-Learning or Computer-Aided Learning (CAL) plays a vital role in teaching and learning. However, according to the literature, one of the biggest concerns among the educators involved in e-Learning is the lack of sufficient pedagogical input in the design of related instructions or learning materials. This topic will be revisited later in this article.

It is obvious that e-Learning is a very worthwhile endeavour in today’s context. However, what is not so obvious is what it takes to implement e-Learning successfully. The author is of the view that successful implementation of e-Learning has three main aspects or fronts to tackle. They can be identified as the technological front, the front concerning the learner preparedness, and the front involving the effective design of instructions (learning content). The technological front involves the provision of ICT networks with appropriate capacity, economy and reliability to meet the demands of e-Learning. This basically is about having a reliable communication network which is accessible to users throughout the country and capable of transferring large amounts of data including audio and video files at a reasonable speed and at affordable price. At present, this poses a major concern to e-Learners. The initiatives taken by agencies such Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA), network expansions undertaken by telecom companies, and the expected outcomes of projects such as ADB-funded Distance Education Modernisation Project (DEMP) may hopefully alleviate this concern to a considerable extent. The second important aspect or front in implementing e-Learning is the learner preparedness. It is necessary for the learners to be computer-literate to participate in e-Learning. It is known that, despite high rankings in traditional literacy ratings, Sri Lankans lag behind its neighbours in terms of computer literacy. This is another major concern that needs to be addressed without delay. Another essential factor to be considered under this front for successful e-Learning is the competency in English language. It is obvious that without a competency in English the learners are unlikely to reap the full benefits of e-Learning. It is therefore necessary to initiate actions or programmes to uplift the competencies in English and computer literacy throughout the country particularly among the rural communities. Solutions to this issue can also be found through CAL materials. Particularly, the improvements to the competency levels in English can be achieved through properly designed interactive multimedia learning materials available through CD ROMs. Provision of learning materials through such a medium will provide wider access and consistency in training, minimise the problems associated with the lack of human tutor support and also train the users towards e-Learning. These CD ROMs can be run on individual computers which do not have to be networked or connected to the Internet. A high degree of computer literacy is also not required to use these CD ROMs for learning. The third front, which is very often not obvious to many, is the instructional design front. It is important that e-Learning material or learning contents are properly designed with appropriate pedagogical inputs, if successful learning outcomes are to be achieved. It could be quite possible that both the first two fronts are already satisfied (i.e., technology and user preparedness fronts) but no successful implementation of e-Learning is possible since the learning contents are either not developed or poorly designed. It is therefore important to pay high attention to the design of e-Learning content with appropriate pedagogical input (based on learning theories) and sound instructional design techniques.

The study of learning theories and instructional design techniques is a major task and beyond the scope of this article. However, the objective of using these theories and techniques is to achieve effective learning outcomes. The instructional designers design instructions, learning activities, discussion forums, practice sessions, assessments, etc. based on the context within which the learning takes place (learning context), the type of learner, and the type of learning task. The use of technology and media such as discussion forums, chat rooms, audio, video, etc. is dependent on the instructional design and the technologies should not be used indiscriminately just because they are readily available to the content developer. On the other hand, appropriate use of technologies such as audio, video, animations, etc in instructions may make them appealing to a diverse cross section of learners, thus making them more useful and effective. The technology is viewed here as an enabler of learning.

Creating necessary facilities for e-Learning at both urban and rural sectors in the country may help reduce the existing gaps between the two sectors in terms of access to quality education thereby the overall economic and social gaps in the long run. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity that should be snatched by the authorities who are responsible for alleviating the social inequalities that exist in our society. However, if such facilities are not adequately provided to the rural communities of the country in a timely manner, they will be further alienated by what is known as ‘the digital divide”.

In summary, e-Learning is an important and essential learning approach based on the current global trends in education. Successful implementation of e-Learning initiatives is dependent upon three main aspects: availability of appropriate infrastructure (communication network with appropriate bandwidth, etc.), learner preparedness in terms of computer literacy and competency in English language, and sound design of e-Learning content. e-Learning, if properly implemented, may help reduce the existing gaps between the city and the village in access to quality education thereby the overall economic and social gaps in the long run.

About the author:

Dr. Gamini Padmaperuma, a former Senior Lecturer at the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL), holds a PhD from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. His PhD thesis was on Instructional Design for Computer-Based Learning. Dr. Padmaperuma is also the director in charge of instructional design at the eDrive (Pvt) Ltd., a company which specialises in the design and development of interactive multimedia educational materials. He can be contacted through email: