Online Education: How we can get the next phase right
Online Learning has become
a household term and is becoming a way of life. Schoolchildren including those
from some primary classes and more mature students from state and non-state
higher educational institutions, along with their teachers and lecturers have
started experiencing online teaching and learning hands on during the last
several months. Although online teaching and learning existed in a very limited
scale prior to the onset of Covid-19, a rapid transition to online teaching and
learning occurred following the closure of educational institutions in
connection with the spread of the virus. The way and the speed with which the
state and non-state educational institutions adapted to the change and faced
the challenges of shifting to online learning are commendable. State and
non-state higher educational institutions and schools, private tuition
providers and other academic and professional bodies have implemented online
teaching and learning to varying degrees of success during the past period. The
general satisfaction level among the students and teachers about the new mode
of learning seems to be somewhat satisfactory subject to certain shortcomings
such as internet connection issues, costs associated therewith, lack of
suitable devices to practise online learning, suitability of learning material,
Definitions and context
Online learning can be
defined as education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred
to as “e- learning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one
type of “distance learning” - the umbrella term for any learning that takes
place across distance and not in a traditional classroom. On the other hand,
distance learning is described as any format of education provided to students
who do not need to be physically present at an institution; previously
materials were sent to students but now materials are provided via computer
conferencing, video, Internet, and other electronic means.
Online learning can be used
in both distance learning and in blended learning, which uses a mix of online
learning and traditional face-to-face learning approaches. This however, makes
it necessary for the online learning material to be prepared with appropriate
design features to ensure self-study, student engagement, provision of
feedback, opportunity for self-assessment, etc. It is not appropriate to use
teaching material prepared for face-to-face settings in online teaching without
modifications as the two teaching and learning contexts are quite different.
Current Situation
The common approaches to
online teaching have been to use free videoconferencing software such as Zoom
to organize online lecture sessions where the teacher or lecturer explains the
subject matter using PowerPoint slides or directly working on whiteboards.
Lecture notes are sent to students electronically in advance with the
expectation that students read same and come prepared for the Zoom session on a
specified date. During the Zoom
sessions, the teacher explains material, solves selected problems, questions
students, answers student queries, etc. In some sessions, video and audio clips
are played with or without teacher intervention, and/or sent them for use by
students at their own time.
In many higher educational
institutions, Learning Management Systems (LMS) are used for routine course
administration purposes including sharing and uploading assignments, receiving
answer scripts, project submissions, conducting surveys, checking attendance,
setting discussion forums and chats, etc.
Notes, hand-outs, etc.
prepared for face-to-face teaching may not be attractive to all the online
learners. There are different types of learners in any given student cohort.
Four primary types of learners are identified; Visual, Auditory,
Reading/Writing preference and Kinaesthetic. Appropriately designed online
lessons shall meet most of these learner types. If one particular learning
material cannot meet all types learner styles, there shall be other
complementary material which can meet the unmet learner styles. Ideally, there
shall be different learning material which caters for different types of
learners. At least, two or more alternative media components should be provided
to the students so that they could choose the best medium that suit them, e.g.
visual, audio, text or practical or experiment-based, etc. Attention also needs
to be given to learners who have visual, auditory and other impairments.
The above emphasises the
importance of appropriate design of instructions to suit online learning. In
order to achieve desired learning objectives the lessons need to be designed
using appropriate instructional design strategies and models.
While the access to many institutional
web servers has been made free by many educational institutions in
collaboration with telecom providers, the poor internet connections experienced
by students from rural areas, costs associated with internet access to other
websites, heavy dependence on mobile phones (with attendant limitations such as
small screen sizes, difficulty in reading and typing long texts, etc.) for
online learning due to non-availability of better devices such as tabs or
laptops, have not helped to make the online learning a pleasant experience to a
significant portion of learners.
What comes next?
Now that the first phase of
online learning has passed, what comes next? Following are a few specific
actions that universities and other educational institutions could take in the
next few months to help improve student learning, engagement, and experience
while operating remotely:
These moves may inspire
institutions to pilot new initiatives, learn what works, iterate, and position
themselves to create capabilities that will enhance instruction permanently.
However, the educational institutions may not be able to handle all of them on
their own. Due organizational, professional and financial support need to be
provided by the government, public and private sector corporations,
non-governmental organizations, professional institutions, philanthropists,
specialists, consultants, etc.
Focus on access and equity:
Moving from on-campus to remote learning raises issues related to access and
equity. There are the immediate logistical challenges of ensuring students have
the basic technology they need to learn remotely. Some possible actions
include: offer stipends for internet access and laptop rentals or purchases.
Provision of loaned equipment and hot spots for internet access to
under-resourced students.
Consideration also needs to
be given to effects on mental health and stress created by the epidemic, and
also to mitigate the additional difficulties encountered by physically impaired
learners due to shifting to online education, e.g. provision of recorded
lessons with captions, etc.
Support faculty: Most
academics are working hard to respond creatively to teach their students to the
same standards, even as their own lives are disrupted. What methods work best
in a remote environment will differ by discipline and the technology available.
There are a few broad ways that institutions can help.
Offer more teaching
support. Many institutions have centres that offer support to faculty in their
teaching; these should be scaled up as much as possible and shift their
orientation to proactively support the academics in educational technology and
preparation of necessary media components and lesson material.
Use social media and online
forums so that faculty can share best practices. Collaboration forums can get
early momentum when “seeded” with ideas from influential academics.
Highlighting and explaining successful remote-teaching practices during faculty
meetings can cultivate a sense of camaraderie, as well as a culture of sharing
and improving.
Set up a structure for the
faculty to get regular feedback on their teaching. Two sources for this are:
short student surveys and engagement data derived from the institution’s
learning-management system. Student surveys need to be short and specific, with
pertinent questions, such as how well professors explain the concepts or
cultivate a sense of connection. These surveys should be used not to judge
professors, but to give them information on how students are responding and
where they can improve. Survey results can also give administrators a sense of
where they might need to intervene to support student learning.
Create online student
centres. As institutions move to remote
learning, they can think about how to use existing tools to move in-person
gatherings online and open up spaces for discussions, events, wellness classes,
and other interests. The idea is to offer virtual spaces in lieu of physical
ones to enable the university community to continue to connect. These centres
also could be used to organise study groups and online tutoring.
Activate stakeholders. One way to start is by identifying and
activating tech-savvy students and staff to coach faculty and other students to
use online tools. Another possibility is to ask alumni and community members to
provide remote mentorship and coaching to support students with remote
learning, career discussions, and virtual internships. In addition to
professional support, financial and logistical support also can be sought.
Invest in cybersecurity to
ensure the continuity of teaching and learning. The rushed efforts to move
learning online have increased the risks of cyberthreats. Universities can
prevent such problems by ensuring their cybersecurity teams are up to the task,
closing the gaps that attackers can exploit, and making investments required to
ensure security and data privacy while enabling teaching and learning to go on.
Often with limited
experience and training, our educational institutions have hurriedly shifted to
online learning and teaching. Many have done so in an exemplary manner; others
have not been as successful, at least so far. This forced and abrupt move to
remote learning has not been easy. However, it can provide institutions with an
opportunity to experiment and innovate. Universities may find that they have a
new remote-learning capability that can be integrated with on-campus
instruction, to everyone’s benefit, when this crisis has passed. This added
capability goes hand in hand with the government’s commitment to enhance the
intakes and provide access to university education to all those who qualify.
Dr. Gamini Padmaperuma, a Fellow Member of IESL and a former Senior Lecturer at OUSL, holds a
PhD from the University of Canterbury, NZ. His PhD thesis was on Instructional
Design for Computer-Based Learning. email: